The Hartman Personality Profile

The Hartman Personality Profile (HPP) categorizes individuals into four primary personality types, represented by the colors red, blue, white, and yellow. These colors are used as a way of simplifying and visualizing the different personality types. Here's a brief overview of each color/personality type:

Red: People with a red personality type are typically decisive, goal-oriented, and results-driven. They are often assertive, competitive, and focused on achieving their objectives.

Blue: People with a blue personality type are typically thoughtful, analytical, and detail-oriented. They are often organized, systematic, and precise in their work.

White: People with a white personality type are typically peaceful, harmonious, and empathetic. They are often compassionate, understanding, and focused on creating a supportive environment for others.

Yellow: People with a yellow personality type are typically optimistic, outgoing, and enthusiastic. They are often creative, spontaneous, and enjoy socializing and connecting with others.

The colors are used as a shorthand for describing an individual's personality traits, and are not meant to be taken too literally or restrictively. The HPP is a more complex assessment than just the colors, and each person's results will be unique to them.


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